
Following the Benedictine tradition of ‘welcoming all as Christ’, we invite you to take time away from the busyness of everyday life and consider a retreat at the Community of Jesus, on the shores of Cape Cod Bay. We are privileged to share with our fellow pilgrims the beauty of Bethany and Paraclete Retreat Houses, and the Church of the Transfiguration, as hallowed spaces in which to find direction and renewal. In the setting of this monastic community, surrounded by simple beauty, and lovingly prepared meals, many have experienced God’s healing presence, peace, and strengthening Word.

Weekend Invitational Retreats

We begin this new year with the following weekend retreats, and we welcome you to join us.

January 17–19

Always We Begin Again

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” – Revelation 21:5

A new year. A new beginning. A new opportunity. On the first weekend retreat of 2025 we will explore what the Bible tells us about God’s gift of new beginnings, and how the Holy Spirit equips us to embrace them. “Always we begin again” is one of the mottos of the Benedictine way of living. It reminds us that, for those who follow Jesus, every turn, every obstacle, and even every fall along the way can be followed by a fresh start.

February 21–23

The Freedom of Forgiveness

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace. – Ephesians 1:7

Forgiveness lies at the heart of the gospel, because it lies in the heart of God. From Genesis to Revelation we encounter the story of God’s never-failing love persistently making its way into the lives of those who “trespass against him.” Receiving God’s forgiveness, forgiving others, and (sometimes hardest of all) forgiving ourselves, are among the themes of this retreat.

March 14–16

A Holy Longing

You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you. – Psalm 63:1

“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you,” famously wrote St. Augustine. Our lives are defined by the things we long for, and we spend ourselves—with body, soul, and spirit—to fulfill those longings. But the deepest longing of all is for the God who created us. On this retreat, we will look at what it means to seek for the one thing that will truly satisfy.

April 25–27

An Easter Up-Rising

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. – Colossians 3:1

Alleluia! Christ is risen! The Easter proclamation is the greatest news the world has ever heard! The New Testament describes Jesus’ rising from the dead as an always-living and always-active power at work in the life of every Christian. The aim of this retreat is to find our promised share in what St. Paul calls, “the power of Christ’s resurrection,”—a life-giving power in every way and for every day.

If you have any questions about the retreats or accommodations, etc.
Please Email: [email protected] or Call: 508-255-1094 X3501

Click Here for More Details and to Register

Gregorian Chant Retreats

The eloquent expression of Gregorian Chant is a musical icon of the Word of God.  It conveys holiness and lifts the heart, mind, and soul in prayer.

Each year we offer two Gregorian Chant Retreats, and all are very welcome – beginners as well as those already proficient in Gregorian Chant.

Click here for more about Gregorian Chant

Stay tuned for specific dates and details to follow in 2025.

Personal Retreats

We welcome you to join us for two or three days of personal retreat. You can choose to have a quiet, private time, or a directed retreat using materials provided at the Guest House. There are daily liturgies in the church in which you are invited to participate if you would like. Meals are prepared and served by the Sisters in the Guest House. If desired, spiritual direction is available.

Group Retreats

Paraclete Retreat House is a wonderful setting for a group retreat, with accommodation for overnights and meals, and spaces for teaching and conversation. Spiritual direction can be made available for individuals, and retreats can be designed according to particular goals and needs. All retreatants are invited to participate in the daily liturgies in the church. We look forward to welcoming you, and we pray that this opportunity to “come away” will bless and refresh you.


Personal Retreat: One overnight and three meals
Suggested donation ranges from $215 per person to $265 per couple

Group Retreat rates, please call the Guest Mistress.
All prices are suggested donations; scholarship possibilities are available.

Family House Retreat: Suggested Donation is $4,000 per week. Meals available at additional cost.
Please contact the Scribes Office at 508-255-1094 or email for more information.

The Community of Jesus is a member of the Association of Benedictine Retreat Centers, an organization of approximately 40 member centers working together to foster the Benedictine charism in retreat ministry. You can learn more about these centers who wish to “welcome all as Christ” by visiting this website.