Through the arts, which are so closely associated with the Incarnation, the Community works diligently to proclaim the Word of God in tangible forms. Goodness, truth and beauty are given expression through sanctified human labor, so that in all things God may be glorified.
Rule of Life, Chapter 2 alt
The word of God is tangibly proclaimed by Gloriæ Dei Cantores choir, Elements Theatre Company, Mount Tabor Ecumenical Centre, and in the publishing of books, videos, and the distribution of recorded and printed music through Paraclete Press.
The creation of art is recognized as a gift of the Holy Spirit. Sacred art transcends cultural and linguistic barriers and illuminates God’s relationship with humanity and his redeeming purposes. As an instrument of teaching, and an expression of the Community’s faith and life, the visual art in the Church of the Transfiguration draws the viewer into a deeper relationship with Christ.
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