A specialist in Gregorian chant, and a member of the Gloriæ Dei Cantores Schola, Jim Jordan has cantored in 10 recordings of Gregorian chant, and assists in teaching chant for the daily offices and Eucharists at the Church of the Transfiguration. In conjunction with Gloriæ Dei Cantores, Jordan also conducts chant seminars- most recently at the University of Oklahoma and Newman University in Wichita, Kansas.
Dr. Jordan has been organist for Gloriæ Dei Cantores since 1988. Cited as performing both “authoritatively and sensitively” by the Boston Globe, and as a “superb performer,” by the American Record Guide, Dr. Jordan has performed on more than 35 recordings of Gloriæ Dei Cantores, with repertoire ranging from Gregorian chant to the music of Samuel Adler.
James Jordan has studied Gregorian Chant extensively with Dr. Mary Berry in Cambridge, England, and in the U. S. Dr. Jordan earned his Bachelor of Music Degree from Southern Methodist University, studying with Robert Anderson. As a student of David Craighead, he received his Masters Degree, Doctorate and Performer’s Certificate from the Eastman School of Music. He has published in the American Choral Review and was contributing author to American Sacred Choral Music and The Sacred Choral Music of J.S. Bach.
As a Religious Sister for over 30 years, Sr. Evangeline Ingwersen has been involved in the teaching and performance of Gregorian chant at the Community of Jesus. As a child, she began classes with Dr. Mary Berry, one of the leading Chant Scholars of the 20th Century, at age 10 and has had a love for music ever since.
Sr. Evangeline has had extensive Gregorian chant study with Dr. Mary Berry including chant analysis, history, conducting and performances in Cambridge, UK with Dr. Berry, assisting in leading chant workshops there. She has cantored and sung in chant Scholas for over 20 years in the US and Internationally. Sr. Evangeline has taught a number of children’s chant classes, and has lead chant classes and chanted in several churches Internationally, most recently in Barga, Italy.
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